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Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Statistical Mechanics
The book provides a contemporary understanding of irreversibility, particularly in quantum systems. It explains entropy production in quantum kinetic theory and in the master equation formulation of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The first half of the book focuses on the foundations of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics with emphasis on...
Mathematica DeMYSTiFied
Mathematica DeMYSTiFied
Need to learn MATHEMATICA? Problem SOLVED!

Take full advantage of all the powerful capabilities of Mathematica with help from this hands-on guide. Filled with examples and step-by-step explanations, Mathematica Demystified takes you from your very first calculation all the way to plotting complex fractals.

Introduction to Nonlinear Physics
Introduction to Nonlinear Physics
This textbook provides an introduction to the new science of nonlinear physics for advanced undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and researchers entering the field. The chapters, by pioneers and experts in the field, share a unified perspective. Nonlinear science developed out of the increasing ability to investigate and analyze systems for...
Particle Physics on the Eve of LHC: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics
Particle Physics on the Eve of LHC: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics
This proceedings volume is devoted to a wide variety of items, both in theory and experiment, of particle physics such as tests of the Standard Model and beyond, physics at the future accelerators, neutrino and astroparticle physics, heavy quark physics, non-perturbative QCD, quantum gravity effects and cosmology. It is important that the papers in...
Nonsmooth Dynamics of Contacting Thermoelastic Bodies (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics)
Nonsmooth Dynamics of Contacting Thermoelastic Bodies (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics)
From the reviews:

"This monograph is devoted to methods of analysis and models of contacting systems dynamics, including heat generation and wears exhibited by such systems. … The monograph is generally well written and well organized. Strength of the book is the quantity and variety of example nonlinear system considered. This book...

Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics: Principles and Parameterizations
Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics: Principles and Parameterizations
This book focuses specifically on bin and bulk parameterizations for the prediction of cloud and precipitation at various scales - the cloud scale, mesoscale, synoptic scale, and the global climate scale. It provides a background to the fundamental principles of parameterization physics, including processes involved in the production of clouds, ice...
Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence
Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence
"Ming Design II is a welcome update of its predecessor, itself a useful compendium on the philosophy of cognitive science. This new volume retains the intellectual foundations, and some discussions of classical AI built on them, while adding connectionism, situated AI, and dynamic systems theory as extra storeys. Which of these is...
A New Perspective on Thermodynamics
A New Perspective on Thermodynamics

The book adheres to a chronological development of the laws of thermodynamics as the inventors of those laws discovered them. This shows that "new" discoveries of non-optimal efficiencies are not new at all and have been analyzed by people like Lord Kelvin as far back as 1852 in his analysis of an unevenly heated body.

Ocean Modelling for Beginners: Using Open-Source Software
Ocean Modelling for Beginners: Using Open-Source Software

The book gives an introduction to computer-based modelling of oceanic processes. It is the first of its kind and contains over twenty practical exercises, using freely available Open-Source software, and covers a wide range of topics from long surface waves, geostrophic flows, through to the general wind-driven circulation including western...

Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications
Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications

This book provides the reader with a complete coverage of radio resource management for 3G wireless communications

Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications focuses on the area of radio resource management in third generation wireless communication systems from a systems engineering perspective. The authors...

Ground Vehicle Dynamics
Ground Vehicle Dynamics

Ground Vehicle Dynamics is devoted to the mathematical modelling and dynamical analysis of ground vehicle systems composed of the vehicle body, the guidance and suspension devices and the corresponding guideway. Automobiles on uneven roads and railways on flexible tracks are prominent representatives of ground vehicle systems. All these...

Metamaterials: Theory, Design, and Applications
Metamaterials: Theory, Design, and Applications

Metamaterials:Theory, Design, and Applications goes beyond left-handed materials (LHM) or negative index materials (NIM) and focuses on recent research activity. Included here is an introduction to optical transformation theory, revealing invisible cloaks, EM concentrators, beam splitters, and new-type antennas, a presentation of general...

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