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Making Sense of Data III: A Practical Guide to Designing Interactive Data Visualizations
Making Sense of Data III: A Practical Guide to Designing Interactive Data Visualizations

Focuses on insights, approaches, and techniques that are essential to designing interactive graphics and visualizations

Making Sense of Data III: A Practical Guide to Designing Interactive Data Visualizations explores a diverse range of disciplines to explain how meaning from graphical representations is extracted. Additionally,...

Food Supply Chain Management
Food Supply Chain Management
Food is always a matter of interest, a means of providing energy, the raw material that builds and maintains our well-being, a defence against illness, a pleasure to consume when well prepared and presented, a basis for social interaction and enjoyment at home, in a restaurant, canteen or perhaps even hospital or school. Our...
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals
For hundreds of years, the field of game design has drifted along under the radar of culture, producing timeless masterpieces and masterful time-wasters without drawing much attention to itself-without, in fact, behaving like a "field" at all. Suddenly, powered by the big bang of computer technology, game design has...
Corporate Hacking and Technology-Driven Crime: Social Dynamics and Implications
Corporate Hacking and Technology-Driven Crime: Social Dynamics and Implications
This book takes a novel approach to the presentation and understanding of a controversial topic in modern-day society: hacking. The term hacker was originally used to denote positively-motivated individuals wanting to stretch the capabilities of computers and networks. In contrast, the term cracker was a later version of the term,...
Pattern Recognition: An Algorithmic Approach (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Pattern Recognition: An Algorithmic Approach (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Our main aim in writing this book is to make the concepts of pattern recognition clear to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the subject. We will not deal with pre-processing of data. Rather, assuming that patterns are represented using some appropriate pre-processing techniques in the form of vectors of numbers, we will...
The Human Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas
The Human Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas
The human central nervous system or neuraxis consists of the brain (encephalon) and the spinal cord (medulla spinalis). The brain is encased by the skull; the spinal cord lies within the spinal canal, extending from the foramen magnum to the level of the second lumbar vertebra. Globally, the brain can be subdivided into...
Sales Therapy: Effective Selling for the Small Business Owner
Sales Therapy: Effective Selling for the Small Business Owner

If you work in a small business, you have to know how to sell. Full stop. But selling as most people know it doesn’t work anymore. It’s relationships that count.

Real selling is about understanding customers’ goals and helping them to buy, not topping off a template presentation with a pushy attitude. So...

Innovative Knowledge Management: Concepts for Organizational Creativity and Collaborative Design (Premier Reference Source)
Innovative Knowledge Management: Concepts for Organizational Creativity and Collaborative Design (Premier Reference Source)
The purpose of this book is to collect and to present the results of theoretical and empirical research into various aspects of Knowledge Management (KM), innovation and, especially, the conjunction of KM and innovation. To this end, chapters are included from both academics and practitioners, and the contributions represent...
Visualization in Mathematics, Reading and Science Education (Models and Modeling in Science Education)
Visualization in Mathematics, Reading and Science Education (Models and Modeling in Science Education)

Visualizations—either self-created or external visual stimuli used as an aid to learning—are probably as old as learning itself. Yet surprisingly little research has been done either into how precisely they help us learn, or how to produce ones that are effective pedagogical tools. This volume, a comprehensive review of theory and...

Society and Health: Sociology for Health Professionals
Society and Health: Sociology for Health Professionals

The publication of Society and Health: Sociology for Health Professionals represents the results of an information-gathering process that has extended over a 30-year career as a health professional. It reflects a determination to frame medical sociology as a multidisciplinary endeavor that must, of necessity, draw information from a wide...

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over brainstorming in teams. Although they are often labeled "quiet," it is to introverts that we owe many of the great...

The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders
The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders

Up to twenty percent of the American population suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder, and cross-national studies suggest a high prevalence of such disorders elsewhere. In recent decades, advances in our knowledge of the brain are causing us to question many of the theories underlying traditional approaches to diagnosing and treating...

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